queen size Murphy bed with desk

You are welcome to be our dealers as long as you are any of the following businesses:

Furniture manufacturer

Contract furniture company

Cabinet manufacturer

Closet company

Wallbed company

Hardware distributor

Contract supply company

Benefits for you and your customers:

We do not sell to you and then compete with you for your customers.

We separate our hardware wholesale business from your retail business.

Our wallbed hardware is reliable and heavy-duty in the industry.

Wallbeds will increase your company profits and significantly lower your overhead.

We provide lifetime warranty service to give you solid quality assurance.

To become a stockist of our wallbed kits, just fill in the contact form below and we'll be in touch soon.

  • (Only in jpg, png, zip format, the file size is within 2M)

+86 18553233527

+86 18553233527
